IPA: wˈɛɫfɛrɪst
- Someone who supports welfare, especially of animals.
- A supporter of the politics or principles of the welfare state.
- Pertaining to support for the politics or principles of the welfare state.
Examples of "welfarist" in Sentences
- If the recognized values all concern individual welfare, then the theory of value can be called welfarist (Sen 1979).
- Mass immigration into welfarist societies means losses to almost all the rich, poor and middle ranks of the citizenry.
- Labeling an individual a "welfarist" or "rightist" connotes important messages about their views on animal exploitation.
- This is what the "welfarist" view of American society and an abstract conception of "coalition politics" lead to in practice.
- Beginning in the mid-1990s, Francione exposed the duplicity of "new welfarists" who use the term "animal rights" but pursue "welfarist" policies.
- Rather than hiding behind hypocritical pro-market rhetoric, it is time to admit they have embraced their very own entitlement-boom that rivals the dreams of any European welfarist.
- At its simplest, social protection has been implemented as welfarist support to poor people, mainly in countries that have limited capacity to deliver comprehensive social welfare programmes.
- Regardless of whether one is a welfarist or a rightist I would like to believe that it is, and will continue to be, human compassion for other beings that will result in our giving them the protection they deserve, because of who they are, not because of what they can do for us or because some law tells us what we have to do.
- Insofar as someone in a sufficiently blissful stupor had no opportunity to reflect that, say, they were squandering their capacities by not reading Proust or listening to Wagner, I think the mental-state welfarist is hard pressed to seriously aver that this person is experiencing less subjective happiness, from a God Who Loves You perspective, than someone who has the enjoyment of realizing their capacities.