IPA: wˈɛstɝnaɪz
- Non-Oxford British English standard spelling of westernize. [(transitive, intransitive) To render something western in character.]
Examples of "westernise" in Sentences
- The Masoyi chief's council said any modernisation of circumcision rituals would dilute and westernise the ceremony.
- "These companies are keen to westernise their money and de-risk a bit," one analyst was quoted by The Times as saying.
- It cited an alleged plan to "westernise" Saudi women by "reducing their rights to a question of removing veils, wearing makeup and mixing with men." ...
- He rejected the charge that allowing foreign universities to operate in India amounted to an elitist way of looking at education, and it would 'westernise' education.
- Far better to cancel programmes that are culturally alien to Afghans and in so doing make it clear that the world does not wish to “westernise” the country, but make it stable.
- In early January, Hu told Communist Party members that hostile forces abroad were trying to westernise and divide the country with their cultural influence and that officials must remain vigilant against such efforts.
- The balance between local tradition and outside influences is carefully maintained as the goal is not to replace the heritage of the people or to westernise them, but to enable them to be enriched by exposure to other cultures.
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