
IPA: hwˈɪntʃʌt


  • A small Old World songbird, Saxicola rubetra, that feeds on insects.

Examples of "whinchat" in Sentences

  • Some greenfinches, a whinchat or two, almost no pipits or larks, and very few sparrows.
  • Over the same period numbers of cuckoos, nightingales, wood warbler, whinchat, yellow wagtail and pied flycatcher also more than halved.
  • They also reminded me of certain notes, which have a human quality, in some of our songsters -- the swallow, redstart, pied wagtail, whinchat, and two or three others.
  • To my delight, when I visited I discovered several wheatears, along with another passage migrant, the whinchat, all feeding to build up their fat reserves before undertaking the epic journey south to Africa.
  • The Rev.W. H. H.rbert made similar observations, and states that the young whinchat and wheatear, which have naturally little variety of song, are ready in confinement to learn from other species, and become much better songsters.
  • How the wheatear and whinchat support themselves in winter cannot be so easily ascertained, since they spend their time on wild heaths and warrens; the former especially, where there are stone quarries: most probably it is that their maintenance arises from the aureliae of the
  • A teenage twitcher and a small buff-coloured songbird called the whinchat were the keys that turned the Iron Curtain's landscape of barbed wire, mined death strips and Kalashnikov-toting border guards into what is probably the most enduring green success story in Europe since the Cold War.
  • The trap was full of birds, some fifty or sixty of them, all kinds of birds, from the plain brown minstrel, beloved of the poets, to the merry and amber-winged oriole, from the dark grey or russet-bodied fly-catcher and whinchat to the glossy and handsome jay, cheated and caught as he was going back to the north; they had been trapped, and would be strung on a string and sold for a copper coin the dozen; and of many of them the wings or the legs were broken and the eyes were already dim.

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