
IPA: hwˈɪpɝ


  • A person or thing that whips.
  • A device that whips a substance, such as cream.

Examples of "whipper" in Sentences

  • As far as Vionne could see, the three of them plus the whipper were the only people in the place.
  • "Where is the dollar that you got with this note?" asked the "whipper," as he finished reading the epistle.
  • The rope arrested my fall what climbers call a whipper and I was pleasantly surprised to find that I hadn't broken or punctured anything.
  • Ahenobarbus was pouring out upon their inefficiency a torrent of wrathful malediction, that promised employment for the "whipper" for some time to come.
  • In this part of America there is a singular bird, called whipper-will, or whip-poor-will, which has obtained its name from the plaintive noise that it makes.
  • Disraeli, not yet fully recognised as leader of the protectionists, was working hard for that position, and assumed the manners of it, with Beresford, a kind of whipper-in, for his right-hand man.
  • The examples are legion: caretaker, steamroller, gag, passing the torch, and domino theory are among them, though whip (abbreviation of the foxhunting term whipper-in) is not metaphorical in the sense often erroneously supposed.
  • Lent; but his voice being so extremely musical, that it rather allured the birds than terrified them, he was soon transplanted from the fields into the dog-kennel, where he was placed under the huntsman, and made what the sportsmen term whipper-in.
  • The resistance of the innocent man caused the "whipper" to call in three other sturdy blacks, and, in a few minutes, the victim was fastened upon the stretcher, face downwards, his clothing removed, and the strong-armed white negro-whipper standing over him with uplifted whip.

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