
IPA: hwˈɪpɝwɪɫ


  • A nocturnal insectivorous bird of North America (Antrostomus vociferus, syn. Caprimulgus vociferus), a type of nightjar, named after its characteristic call.
  • The distinctive call of the above bird.

Examples of "whippoorwill" in Sentences

  • Only the whippoorwill responds, so McCadams monologues.
  • The first chirp comes at 4 a.m. in May after a night of barred owl coyote howl, and yes, the whippoorwill.
  • We have not seen that species of goatsucker called the whippoorwill, which is commonly confounded in the United
  • We have not seen either that species of goatsucker or nighthawk called the whippoorwill, which is commonly confounded in the
  • The name Guaquili has a Cherokee sound and may be connected with wa′gulĭ′, "whippoorwill," uwâ′ gi'ĭ, "foam," or gi'lĭ, "dog."
  • We also saw a bird that really was protectively colored; a kind of whippoorwill which even the sharp-eyed naturalists could only make out because it moved its head.
  • On the other hand, I would bet that most, if shown a picture of Mr. Eastwood in his spaghetti western regalia, would be able to whistle the whippoorwill riff from "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly."
  • The birds that sing all day have hushed, and the horned owls, the monster frogs, and that strange and ominous fowl (if fowl it be, and not, as some assert, a spirit damned) which we English call the whippoorwill, are yet silent.
  • There are some great Christmas tunes out there – Slade, Wizzard, Mariah Carey – and as the Big Day approaches you would think that the dancefloors might capitulate under the strain of festive revellers and play some of the classics towards the end of the night, but no: whilst every other whippoorwill is forcing Christmas cheer down your throats with shocking immodesty, the dancefloors seem determined to resist its very existence.

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