
IPA: wˈɪspʌrɝ


  • Someone who whispers.
  • Someone who tells secrets; a gossip.
  • Someone who is skilled in taming or training a certain kind of animal, using gentle vocal commands and body language as opposed to physical contact. See horse whisperer.
  • (figurative, by extension) Someone who has an uncanny ability to control or manipulate a certain thing or person; an expert or guru in a particular field or subject

Examples of "whisperer" in Sentences

  • "That can you not, my Lord, for the whisperer will be a woman."
  • "Yet wait, wait, wait," implored another whisperer from the Earth.
  • Be not called a whisperer, and be not taken in thy tongue, and confounded.
  • 5: 16, "Be not called a tale-bearer [Douay: 'whisperer']" says: "i.e. a backbiter."
  • This week brings the publication of a book next to which Truss seems a mild-mannered word whisperer.
  • Your suggestion of becomng a monkey whisperer is truly inspiring and a lot more practical than I could have ever imagined.
  • His son used to boast how his reverence met his sire as they both rode towards Mallow, and charged him with being a confederate of the wicked one, and how the "whisperer" laid the priest's horse under a spell, and forthwith led him a weary chase among the cross roads, till he promised in despair to let Sullivan alone for ever.

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