IPA: wˈɪsʌɫ
- A device designed to be placed in the mouth and blown, or driven by steam or some other mechanism, to make a whistling sound.
- An act of whistling.
- A shrill, high-pitched sound made by whistling.
- Any high-pitched sound similar to the sound made by whistling.
- (Cockney rhyming slang) A suit (from whistle and flute).
- (colloquial) The mouth and throat; so called as being the organs of whistling.
- (transitive, intransitive) To make a shrill, high-pitched sound by forcing air through the mouth. To produce a whistling sound, restrictions to the flow of air are created using the teeth, tongue and lips.
- (transitive, intransitive) To make a similar sound by forcing air through a musical instrument or a pipe etc.
- (intransitive) To move in such a way as to create a whistling sound.
- (transitive) To send, signal, or call by a whistle.
Examples of "whistle" in Sentences
- TRIPP: The term whistle-blower has a negative connotation.
- My whistle is plastic but I would not trust or purchase a plastic treestep.
- "No, nothing out of the ordinary here. * whistle whistle* Excuse me sir, sorry, I didn't mean to step on your unconscious face."
- As usual, the tracking was ridiculously fast – all it took was the sound of a train whistle to find the exact address on Google Maps.
- Mr. BILL KELLER (The New York Times): I've shied away from the term whistle-blower because that has a kind of, you know, halo around the term.
- By Antonia Cruz Rafael, this ocarina whistle is an ancient art form, oone of many ceramic arts perfected in the Mexico town of Ocumicho, Michoacan
- But what the wingnut dog whistle is trying to imply, is that poor people are getting a free ride on the backs of the imaginary hard work that the retired, government handout sucking Teatoddlers.
- The perpetual obsession by the aforementioned entities of the use of the term whistle-blower clearly depicts the absence of proper English for one, and other traits which I shall refrain to mention.
- I like to share my discord with your readers regarding the term whistle-blower which is rampantly used by the news media, television, etc., in reporting an unlawful act which has been made known by civic-minded, law-abiding citizens to the proper authorities.