
IPA: wˈaɪtnʌs


  • The state or quality of being white (all senses).
  • (sociology) The quality of being white (in the racial sense).

Examples of "whiteness" in Sentences

  • What will it mean to be white when whiteness is no longer the norm?
  • But whiteness is the default in our thinking for Earth-specific cultural/political reasons.
  • To take the most obvious example, whiteness is no longer a precondition for entry into the highest levels of public office.
  • As Latoya Peterson during Jezebel writes, In Precious 'mind, whiteness is homogeneous to being loved, safe, as well as wanted.
  • But now we parched it over our fire so that the grains puffed and exploded in whiteness and all the tribe came running to taste.
  • The term whiteness studies is misleading because what we're actually trying to do is eliminate racial categories in America, but we have to study the history of racial categories to understand racism.
  • For, if sugar produce in us the ideas which we call whiteness and sweetness, we are sure there is a power in sugar to produce those ideas in our minds, or else they could not have been produced by it.
  • On the other hand, though you suppress the term whiteness, you do not suppress some white thing, [25] though, of course, if the particular whiteness inhere as an accident in the thing, the thing disappears as soon as you suppress the accidental quality whiteness.
  • But the philosopher who asks whether the Taj has “whiteness” as a constituent and the philosopher who supposes that the Taj does have this property-constituent and asks, “What is the nature of this relation ˜constituent of™ that ˜whiteness™ bears to the Taj?” are asking questions about its ontological structure.)

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