
IPA: hˈoʊɫi


  • Completely and entirely; to the fullest extent; (loosely, exaggeratedly) very; to a great extent.
  • Exclusively and solely.

Examples of "wholly" in Sentences

  • Homophobia a term wholly misapplied and sexism feed on each other but only inversely.
  • His “Mountain of Light” is a term wholly unknown to the Arabs, except so far as they would assign the term to any saintly place.
  • If one term wholly includes or excludes another, which wholly or partly includes a third, the first term wholly or partly includes or excludes the third.
  • On the other hand, the phrase "wholly devoid of government subsidy" would seem to prohibit the offering of a substantial prize to someone deemed successful at answering DARPA's requirements.
  • A CHEF earned himself a jail sentence when he faced the Townsville Magistrates Court on disqualified and drink-driving charges. was sentenced to three months 'jail, the term wholly suspended for 12 months.
  • "Defamation carries a particular legal meaning and application in domestic systems that makes the term wholly unsuitable in the context of religions," says the U.S. government in a response on the issue to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
  • Arenas, a position on the opposite side of the river San Juan, which was in possession, under a title wholly independent of them, of citizens of the United States interested in the Nicaragua Transit Company, and which was indispensably necessary to the prosperous operation of that route across the Isthmus.
  • He considered the term wholly wanting in the precision which is desirable in a treaty arrangement, that it was capable of many different degrees of extension, and that the fact of the paramountcy of Great Britain over the new State might be sufficiently established without the use of an ambiguous word which excited the most bitter hostility in the
  • Caro Craven was a bachelor lady of fifty -- spinster was a term wholly inapplicable to the strong-minded little woman who had been an art student in Paris in the days when insular hands were lifted in horror at the mere idea, and was a designation, moreover, deprecated strongly by herself as an insult to one who stood -- at least in her own sphere -- on an equality with the lords of creation.

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