
IPA: hˈɑp


  • A blow or strike.


  • (transitive, informal) To throw or move (something) quickly, usually with an impact.
  • (transitive, slang) To administer corporal punishment to.

Examples of "whop" in Sentences

  • At that range you could hear the whop behind the impact of the bullet.
  • It's possible he has some facial hair and goes by the street name "whop".
  • Devil Dogs will shrink to the size of petits fours, Big Macs to the size of sliders, Cherry Garcia will be replaced by Sergio Cherry Garcia, the Whopper will lose its ability to whop.
  • Where he was going and how he was to earn his living he did not know; but on one subject he was quite resolved, he would not go back till he was too big and strong for father to "whop" him.
  • Terribly bullied by the Americans were the boatmen and muleteers, who were reviled, shot, and stabbed by these free and independent filibusters, who would fain whop all creation abroad as they do their slaves at home.
  • The appearance of food had a very encouraging effect, for forthwith there was a general rush towards Watchorn, and it was only by rating and swinging his 'whop' about that he prevented the pack from pawing, and perhaps downing him.
  • But as the school broke up, and Tom Green was seen loitering on the other side of the road, every thing was forgotten in the general desire to see Jan carry out his threat, and "whop" a boy bigger than himself for bullying a little girl.

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