IPA: wˈɪkɝwɝk
- A thing or things made of wicker.
Examples of "wickerwork" in Sentences
- The boy was playing with a wickerwork basket on the little beach.
- Spain, featuring flamenco dancers and a flamboyant wickerwork design, is also a hot favorite.
- Mrs. Arkwright pointed triumphantly to a big stone-bottle cased in wickerwork, under which the cabman was staggering toward the door.
- These were constructed of yellow bamboo, tastefully twisted together in a kind of wickerwork, and thatched with the long tapering leaves of the palmetto.
- The eco-sensitive wickerwork coffin arrived he would have hated the idea of his widow spending money on a fancy wooden coffin fated to rot in the ground.
- The kindergarten teachers brought with them sample handicrafts (including folding, weaving, embroidery and wickerwork), labeling each of them in German, Russian and English.
- Jack-in-the-Green, a chimney-sweeper who walks encased in a pyramidal framework of wickerwork, which is covered with holly and ivy, and surmounted by a crown of flowers and ribbons.
- In England the best-known example of these leaf-clad mummers is the Jack-in-the-Green, a chimney-sweeper who walks encased in a pyramidal framework of wickerwork, which is covered with holly and ivy, and surmounted by a crown of flowers and ribbons.