IPA: wˈaɪɫdkæt
- A cat that lives in the wilderness, specifically
- (UK) Felis silvestris, a common small Old World wild cat somewhat larger than a house cat.
- (US) A bobcat (Lynx rufus) or other similar New World species of lynx.
- Any feral cat.
- (figurative) A person who acts like a wildcat, (usually) a violent and easily-angered person or a sexually vigorous one.
- (American football) An offensive formation with an unbalanced line and a snap directly to the running back rather than the quarterback.
- (nautical) A wheel that can be adjusted so as to revolve either with or on the shaft of a capstan.
- (uncommon) Alternative spelling of wild cat, any undomesticated felid, as tigers or lions. [An undomesticated felid, as tigers or lions.]
- (firearms) Clipping of wildcat cartridge. [(firearms) A cartridge modified from another calibre rather than being commercially produced.]
- (uncommon) Clipping of wildcat strike, a strike undertaken without authorization from the relevant trade union. [(organized labour) A labour strike that has not been authorized by the leaders of a trade union.]
- (obsolete) Clipping of wildcat money, notes issued by a wildcat bank.
- (oil industry) To drill for oil in an area where no oil has been found before.
- (usually derogatory) Of or concerning businesses operating outside standard or legitimate practice, especially:
- (derogatory, dated) Of or concerning irresponsible banks or banking, (particularly) small, independent operations.
- (oil industry) Of or concerning oil exploration in new areas, (particularly) small, independent operations.
- Of or concerning actions undertaken by workers without approval or in defiance of the formal leadership of their trade unions.
- (firearms) Of or concerning customized or hand-made cartridges.
- Unauthorized by the proper authorities.
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