
IPA: wˈɪɫfʌɫi


  • US standard spelling of wilfully. [(obsolete) Willingly, of one's own free will.]

Examples of "willfully" in Sentences

  • There is a fair amount of shame in willfully remaining one.
  • If Mr. Aragon wants to remain willfully indignant, than let him be free to do so.
  • That is why those who would remain willfully ignorant about this insist that following it would lead to bad things.
  • Scholars are always saying that journalists lack subtlety about religion, but it seems to me that David Hein willfully misses the subtlety of my article.
  • Maybe the shamed person might prefer the number not be there, but frankly I don’t have alot of sympathy for people who want to remain willfully ignorant just so they can avoid shame.
  • Try my Dear Mollie, to live just as near to God all the time as you can, do no sin willfully, for that is all that constitutes an action that is wrong, a sin - we have our infirmities still and our judgements
  • And your mocking use of “chosen people” is an ignorant and bigoted and condescending distortion of a religious doctrine that has already been explained to you, and of which you choose to remain willfully ignorant.

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