IPA: wˈɪnbreɪk
- (agriculture) A hedge, fence or row of trees positioned to reduce wind damage to crops.
- A sheet or stack of material used to protect people or fire from wind.
- The act of breaking wind; flatulence.
Examples of "windbreak" in Sentences
- Windy conditions can also desiccate so erect a windbreak until they are established.
- If you are considering a windy site, provide some kind of windbreak; either a physical barrier fence, trees or shrubs
- They too, were painted red, and there were some trees by them that Mr. Wood called his windbreak, because they kept the snow from drifting in the winter time.
- I left the car and ran across some thinly wooded grassland till I came to 'a thick belt of pines that obviously served as some kind of windbreak for a habitation.
- A woven hurdle or horticultural fleece will do the job and remember that a windbreak should always filter, never prevent the wind completely as it will only vortex to end up faster somewhere else.