IPA: wˈaɪn
- An alcoholic beverage made by fermenting grape juice, with an ABV ranging from 5.5–16%.
- An alcoholic beverage made by fermenting other substances, producing a similar ABV.
- (countable) A serving of wine.
- (uncountable) The color of red wine, a deep reddish purple.
- (Britain dialect) Wind.
- A surname.
- (software) A free and open-source compatibility layer that aims to allow computer programs developed for Microsoft Windows to run on Unix-like operating systems.
- (dated) Acronym of Windows Emulator.
- Acronym of Wine is not an emulator.
- (software) Alternative form of Wine [A surname.]
- (transitive) To entertain (someone) with wine.
- (intransitive) To drink wine.
- (dance, intransitive) To perform a Jamaican dance, such as the Dutty Wine.
Examples of "wine" in Sentences
- And if you think speculation in wine is a new thing, think again.
- Almost as popular is the phrase "wine on tap," used by makers of wine in kegs.
- “_And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine_” ...
- Any man who takes his wife to live in France and then makes her wine is a winner and a keeper!!
- Add the wine, bring to a medium boil, and cook, stirring, until the wine is almost all absorbed.
- A ready re-agent for detecting the presence of lead, or any other deleterious metal in wine, is known by the name of the _wine test_.
- Christ, and the wine the absent blood of Christ, but on account of their sacramental union, _that the bread and wine_ ARE _truly the body and blood of Christ_. "
- The most notable feature of the last decade in wine is – for my palate – the catastrophic slide of far too many wines into a Parkerista swamp of overripe fruit, low acid, high alcohol and enough oak to start a saw mill.
- The preparation of an astringent extract, to produce, from spoiled home-made and foreign wines, a "genuine old Port," by mere admixture; or to impart to a weak wine a rough austere taste, a fine colour, and a peculiar flavour; forms one branch of the business of particular wine-coopers: while the mellowing and restoring of spoiled white wines, is the sole occupation of men who are called _refiners of wine_.