IPA: wˈaɪnbɛri
- (obsolete, possibly poetic) The grape (fruit of plants of the genus Vitis).
- The plant Rubus phoenicolasius, the Japanese wineberry.
- Its edible fruit, resembling a raspberry.
- The tree Aristotelia serrata, endemic to New Zealand, with broad rose-coloured leaves.
- Its edible fruit, a small black berry.
- (UK, obsolete) The red currant.
Examples of "wineberry" in Sentences
- Last time I tried that, I ended up with little wineberry-flavored jar-shaped rocks.
- We stopped once to watch a big fat rockchuck grubbing around a bunch of wineberry bushes.
- I see strawberry lemonade smoothies by the kiddie pool, bacon and lettuce sandwiches on homemade rye bread, and wineberry crisp made from our backyard berries.
- Rata and kamahi are also dominant on the steep, slip-prone mountain sides along with a variety of common small trees and shrubs like wineberry (Aristotelia serrata) and mahoe (Melicytus ramifloris).
- Machiavelli, Jr. I was beginning to wish that the pseudonymous Machiavelli, Jr. had never been born, or, at least, had stayed on Theta Virgo IV and been a wineberry planter as his father had wanted him to be.
- About the only thing Ray likes more than Indians are Sophie, Panda and High Pockets -- his three Jack Russells, or his '65 Ford Ranchero (yellow with red pearl and candy-apple wineberry trim) or his barbershop full of western antiques.