IPA: wˈɪnoʊɪŋ
- The act of separating chaff from grain.
Examples of "winnowing" in Sentences
- At the heart of the winnowing is the shifting economics of the daily-deals business.
- Like any political party, the necessity for group identity forces "winnowing" definitions.
- Apparently the story has made it into their 3rd and final stage of reading called winnowing, which only about 10% of stories make it to.
- It's part of the movie universe, but a good demonstration of this kind of winnowing of the human population is depicted in "When Worlds Collide".
- He's more clinical – he looks at humanity as a whole, and thinks a little "winnowing" would be good for the environment (and for humanity's survival, as well).
- The winnowing is a sign that one of the biggest forces undercutting the indie market - the glut of mediocre films pushed as masterpieces - may finally be undergoing a correction.
- The art and science of that winnowing is yet another big part of being an editor, but it's materially different than what was described above, relying on a lot of emotional and professional judgment.
- The traditional method of threshing by treading out of the grain with bullocks, followed by winnowing, is now inadequate for threshing the increased volume of wheat before the onset of the monsoon rains.
- Now this fierce wind shall come against them, not to fan, nor cleanse them, not such a gentle wind as is used in winnowing corn, but a full wind (v. 12), a strong and violent wind, blowing full upon them.