
IPA: wˈɪntɝgrin


  • (obsolete) Any evergreen plant.
  • One of various not closely related evergreen plants, including:
  • Plants in shrub genus Gaultheria, commonly known as wintergreen, especially:
  • Gaultheria procumbens, native to North America, having solitary white flowers and aromatic leaves (checkerberry or teaberry)
  • Gaultheria humifusa – alpine wintergreen
  • Gaultheria ovatifolia – western teaberry or Oregon spicy wintergreen
  • Chimaphila maculata – striped wintergreen, pipsissewa
  • Plants in any of several other genera in the herbaceous family Ericaceae, including:
  • Genus Pyrola, native to northern temperate and Arctic regions.
  • Genus Orthilia
  • Genus Moneses
  • Genus Chimaphila (prince's pine, pipsissewa)
  • Some species of the herbaceous genus Trientalis, in family Primulaceae (chickweed wintergreen)
  • The spicy red berries of Gaultheria procumbens.
  • The oil, methyl salicylate, obtained from these berries.
  • The aroma of the oil, methyl salicylate, however derived.

Examples of "wintergreen" in Sentences

  • That February 1972 I turned thirteen, started my period, and kissed a black-haired boy who smelled of wintergreen.
  • Some scenes, such as one in which a character gets out of her bath “aslide with wintergreen,” evince an effort to make even these miserable lives picturesque.
  • “Bet it is just wintergreen, feverfew, and betony, mixed with something sweet—and now he will make a fortune,” Teddy said, reading the account in the Gazette.
  • The girl takes the money and slips it into the back pocket of her jean shorts, pops a wintergreen Lifesaver from the paper roll in the interior pocket and slips it into her mouth.
  • Dem what had de rheumatism had to take dat lion's tongue or what some peoples calls wintergreen tea en some of de time, dey take pine top en mix wid de herbs to make a complete cure.
  • The one-sided wintergreen is also in blossom, with its little greenish-white flowers all turned in the same direction; it is one of the commonest plants we tread under foot in the forest.
  • However, as a Rotherham season-ticket holder, currently observing the beautiful game across eight lanes of an athletics stadium, I should advise West Ham supporters that they would regret losing the smell of the wintergreen and the roar of the crowd.

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