
IPA: wˈaɪzɫi


  • A surname.


  • In a wise manner; using good judgement.

Examples of "wisely" in Sentences

  • _more_ wise, _most_ wise; or _more wisely, most wisely_.
  • With the economy as it is, spending money wisely is more important than ever.
  • Part of the reason for that and the responsibility for using it wisely is to protect the community.
  • Go forth and use this title wisely to protect the unprotected, feed the unfed, and lick the unlickable.
  • You get a voucher for free so the need to spend it wisely is a lot less than if you were spending your own paycheck.
  • Looked at another way, the government provides well (wisely is a separate question) for the retirement of the bottom half of wage scale.
  • Similar percentages say the government does not use tax money wisely, is out of sync with their values and has not helped their families.
  • For me, about the only good recommendation I can give any teacher about using time wisely is — get the students engaged as soon as possible.

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