IPA: wˈaɪzʌnt
- The European bison, Bison bonasus.
Examples of "wisent" in Sentences
- The forest was declared a hunting reserve in 1541 for the protection of wisent.
- Modern naturalists identify the elk with the eland, the wisent with the auerochs.
- Before Man came herds of wisent and mastodon kept the land mostly clear, and herds of white tail roamed.
- Then slowe the dowghtie Sigfrid a wisent and an elk, he smote four stoute uroxen and a grim and sturdie schelk.
- The short-horned kind, with its hump and shaggy mane, was also fairly common east of the mountains; it closely resembled the familiar wisent of Europe.
- European bison or wisent as they're known in Poland are distantly related to American bison and are different in that they are forest dwellers, rather than roaming the open prairie.
- Notable mammals include the reintroduced bison or wisent Bison bonasus (EN), wolf Canis lupus, lynx Felis lynx, otter Lutra lutra and European beaver Castor fiber, also reintroduced.
- In 1929 a small herd of four wisents was bought by the Polish state from various zoological gardens and from the Western Caucasus (where the wisent was to become extinct just several years afterwards).
- The first recorded piece of legislation on the protection of the forest dates to 1538 when a document issued by Polish king Zygmunt Stary (Sigismund I Old) instituted the death penalty for poaching a wisent (European bison).