
IPA: wɪθdrˈɔn


  • removed from circulation
  • introverted; not inclined to interact with other people

Examples of "withdrawn" in Sentences

  • American minister was withdrawn from the German capital.
  • For 401K's, only the final income withdrawn from the account in retirement is subject to taxation.
  • Several Swiss private banks have withdrawn from the U.S. market altogether following the UBS case.
  • We were withdrawn from the Western Desert in February 1941 and shipped on the HMS Bonaventure to Piraeus in Greece.
  • Tiger Woods has withdrawn from the Players Championship with an apparent injury on the seventh hole of the final round.
  • Two Rutgers University freshmen, accused of secretly broadcasting a classmate's sexual encounter online, have withdrawn from the school.
  • (Many LLCs develop elaborate mechanisms to ensure that partners get reimbursed for the extra taxes they pay on money/not/withdrawn from the company.)
  • Silver still has heavy investment demand, silver is still being destroyed, and silver is still being heavily withdrawn from the Comex depositories closing the year down to about 112 million ounces.
  • There are tax penalties and other fees if money is withdrawn from the accounts early, and loans against a retirement plan come with restrictions on how quickly they must be paid off and the amount that can be borrowed.

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