IPA: wɪðˈɪn
- (law) In the context of which the present document or ruling is made.
- In or into the interior; inside.
Examples of "within" in Sentences
- (_violently to those within_) Am I the man to carry this shut up within me, to keep it secret?
- Cargill is within a certain distance -- and it is up to you to be _within_ that distance -- it will find him, and kill him.
- As oil poured into water will come to the top, so that inward transforming will not continue hidden within, 'The king's daughter is all-glorious _within_, but also' her _clothing_ is of wrought gold. '
- King's daughter, "all glorious without," all glorious within "--" her clothing of wrought gold "-- resplendent _without_ with the robes of righteousness -- radiant _within_ with the beauties of holiness -- shall be brought" with gladness and rejoicing, "and" enter into the King's palace. "
- Demosthenes quotes the law of Solon to the effect that — “No woman under sixty years old to enter the house or follow the corpse except those within ἀνεψιαδοῖ (πλὴν ὅσαι ἐντὸς ἀνεψιαδῶν εἰσιν): no woman _at all_ may enter the house after the carrying out of the corpse except _those within_ ἀνεψιαδοῖ.” (
- "'Therefore any ship-builder may build any ship in Her Majesty's dominions, provided he does not equip her within Her Majesty's dominions, and he had nothing to do with the acts of the purchasers done _within_ Her Majesty's dominions without his concurrence, or without Her Majesty's dominions even with his concurrence.'"
- General Leman himself was within that work, the batteries against which were now operating from _within_ the ring -- that is, from the city itself, or in what soldiers technically call "reverse" -- that is, from the side upon which no fort is expected to stand, the side which is expected to defend and not to be attacked from.
- And for this reason -- that though Nature lays down the great constitutional laws within which man, her completest representative, must work; and though Nature as a whole formulates the main outlines of her ideal; yet man _within that constitution_ can make his own laws, and within its main outlines may refine and perfect the ideal.
- Who indeed can watch the ceaseless observation, and inquiry, and inference going on in a child's mind, or listen to its acute remarks on matters within the range of its faculties, without perceiving that these powers it manifests, if brought to bear systematically upon studies _within the same range_, would readily master them without help?
- Mr. WonTHlitOTON communicated two resolu - tions of the Legislature of the State of Ohio; the one, requesting their Senators and Representa - tives in Congress to use their exertions to obtain a grant of land between the Sciota and the Little Miami, io aoy part of the unappropriated lands of the United States within that State, for the use of schools, within* the Virginia military dis - trict, in lieu of the donation heretofore granted by Congress for that purpose, for reasons staled in the resolution; the other, requesting them to use tbeir exertions to procure the passage of a law prohibiting the importation of slaves into the United States, or any of the territories thereof, so sood as the Constitution will admit of the same.
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