
IPA: wˈaɪv


  • (transitive, intransitive) To marry (a woman).
  • (transitive) To provide (someone) with a wife.

Examples of "wive" in Sentences

  • A man and wive hunting team returned to a moose he had shot the day before.
  • It has been several months since they were all home for a weekend - but here they were, 2 with new wive.
  • *Leedz D-R to Splort Recubbery Rume, sitz u doan awn kumfy cwoch wive Cheezlan blankee rouwn yer showderz*
  • Dollars spent, pennies earned: That "every dollar you spend" statement is more of an old wive's tale from say 1950.
  • Rep. King spoke last night on the house floor claiming that his wive is in more danger living in DC than in Baghdad.
  • Mitt starts out with good hair and teeth, nice wive and kids, impressive business background, then – it turns out he is Satan!
  • I told my other army wive friends the other day that despite it being all so very "Donna Reed", I like that my husband is happy.
  • Many muslims men consider such punishment as soft compared to the stoning (of the girl who dare have a secret boy friend or the wive who is accused of adultry), or the dailly legal rape of some wives (fexemple forced mariage with a neighbour or a cousin she hate…) .
  • Clearly, Swellfoot recognizes the reversals of power that his wife's return to public visibility forebode, and he articulates those reversals in terms of gendered maneuvers: the OED defines the verb "wive" as "to act as a wife"; thus, the King's exclamation that "Swellfoot is wived!" codes Iona's return as his own symbolic castration.

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