
IPA: wˈaɪzʌn


  • (transitive, intransitive) To wither; to become, or make, lean and wrinkled by shrinkage, as from age or illness.


  • Wizened; withered; lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness.

Examples of "wizen" in Sentences

  • I'd hoped that he'd wizen up, and end the campaign in style.
  • Obama shouldn't go for the sage to help wizen up the ticket (Bush/Cheney) but the smart hottie (Clinton/Gore).
  • “Get ye out, Mr. Polonius!” said the old lady, a little wizen-faced old lady, with her face puckered up in a million of wrinkles.
  • I remembered the main building in detail, wizen walls, dull unpolished and broken floorboards, nineteen fifties metal, peeling paint, dust, decay, death.
  • If he'll only pay a trifle of money for me, and give me a few odd hundreds to begin with, I'll hold him quit of all else, so he'll but quit me of that wizen little stump. '
  • It is needless to say, after entering so largely into a description of Lady Gorgon, that her husband was a little shrivelled wizen-faced creature, eight inches shorter than her
  • Of course I don't want the anti-immigrant hate spewers to wizen up to their inconsistencies and expel the 33 immigrants on the US Olympic team this year, let alone a vast number of our nation's doctors, nurses, engineers -- and one governor.
  • Her eyes were as bright, and her little wizen face was as sharp as ever; but the wizen face and the bright eyes were not so much amiss as seen together with the old dark brown silk dress which she now wore, as they had been with the wiggeries and the evening finery.
  • In fact I think with the world the way it is now and the interaction now possible because of technology we can experience and learn a lot more than people did in the past, which I believe has the ability to change and wizen a person much quicker than was possible in the not so distant past.
  • Close under this window, kneeling on the bare boards with his face to the door, there appeared, of all the creatures in the world to see alone at such a place and at such a time, a mere mite of a child — a little, lonely, wizen, strangely-clad boy, who could not at the most, have been more than five years old.

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