IPA: wˈʊɫfɪʃ
- Any fish of the family Anarhichadidae.
wolf fish
IPA: wˈʊɫffˈɪʃ
- Alternative form of wolffish [Any fish of the family Anarhichadidae.]
Examples of "wolffish" in Sentences
Examples of "wolf-fish" in Sentences
- We caught too, at different times, numbers of small fish, much resembling a smelt, and once drew out a wolf-fish.
- Instantly he blew upon a golden whistle, and at the summons a band of wolf-fish appeared and dashed after the prisoners.
- The palate of this ancient ganoid is furnished with a curious dental apparatus, formed apparenly, like that of the recent wolf-fish, for the purpose of crushing shells.
- Oh ive used mustads circle hooks for commercial hallibut and wolf-fish fishing and they catch more fish cos they hook in better than normal shaped hooks (balance point etc.), so they cath more fish!
- "toad-stones" mounted in ancient rings are really the teeth of a fish has been already recorded by the R.v.R. H. Newell ( "The Zoology of the English Poets," 1845), but he seems to be mistaken in identifying them with those of the wolf-fish (Anarrhicas).
- Schonfeld relates this wolf-fish will seize on an anchor and leave the marks of its teeth in it, and Steller mentions one on the coast of Kamschatka, which he saw lay hold of a cutlass, with which a man was attempting to kill it, and break it to bits as if it had been made of glass.
- But Aquareine advanced upon them with her golden sword, and every touch of the charmed weapon instantly killed an enemy, so that one by one the wolf-fish rolled over upon their backs and sank helplessly downward through the water, leaving the prisoners free to continue their way toward the opening in the dome.
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