IPA: wˈʊmʌnɫinʌs
- The condition of being a woman; femininity.
Examples of "womanliness" in Sentences
- Democracy becomes the latest trick of tyranny: "womanliness" becomes the latest wile of prostitution.
- As has already been suggested, her womanliness is a more prominent characteristic of Mrs. Lewes's mind than its great intellectual power.
- Lorraine was a woman of the world, with a larger mixture of the other kind of womanliness, perhaps, than was usual, and he in his perspicacity had deftly appealed to both.
- Martial arts, which was also designed as a set of self- and others'-protection skills, has become more about proving personal toughness or manliness -- or even womanliness.
- Stern Moralist, being propelled down corridor: "Well, if the way to restore women to womanliness is to make them do drudgery which they can hire somebody else to do, why isn't -- --"
- This roles; "womanliness" is like "femininity", but process becomes necessary to cope with is usually associated with a different view of one's own behaviour, especially in gender roles;
- One Delineator article claimed that while sports "give the body perfect freedom of action and engender a courageous spirit, they detract nothing from that womanliness which is always woman's greatest charm."
- From Jiu's mother Nilima (The Magic Spell), the maid hanging clothes out to dry (Holiday Homework), Rashmi's (The Favourite Child) cream silk shawl she adds to her shoulders on a visit to her dying mother, Anupam's mother (Honeybees), a master weaver - most women characters in this book are either wrapped in their mekehela sadors or saris or in a one-dimensional 'womanliness'.