IPA: wˈoʊntʌd
- Usual, customary, habitual, or accustomed.
Examples of "wonted" in Sentences
- But the country did not recover with its wonted elasticity.
- "Oh, I've had my troubles," Billy answered, speaking in his wonted slow way.
- Sometimes he did not hear what she was saying, or if he did, failed to respond in his wonted manner.
- Again, however, did Donna Serafina intervene, recalling her wonted severity of voice: "Giacomo, you will please stay here."
- But now, in the long absence of wonted delights, the keen yearning of his stomach was tickled hugely by the sharp, salty bacon.
- 'Yes, dear,' says I, 'put up his little hands to me kind of wonted'; an 'she turned a look on me like another creatur', so pleased an 'contented. "
- To this cfFcdl recalling the wonted fcrenity cf hi-s countenance, which lie liad tor tome time loft, ar, d taking him by the hand, with a de - portment vviiully pallionate i
- A short and animated conversation with her lover, as the day began to wane, partially recalled her wonted cheerfulness, but when he was gone she relapsed into her former mood.
- Hudson Bay blanket about her with a mock reverence more real than feigned, while Malemute Kid, whose arm she had taken, found it a severe trial to resume his wonted mentorship.
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