IPA: wˈʊdkræft
- Any of the skills related to a woodland habitat, especially those relating to outdoor survival; these skills collectively.
- (uncountable) The art or skill of wood carving.
- To carve or craft from wood.
Examples of "woodcraft" in Sentences
- [Page 148] prowess, his skill in woodcraft and water lore.
- "woodcraft," and the strategy of Indian trade and Indian warfare.
- The word "woodcraft" simply means skill in anything which pertains to the woods.
- I was an old hunter, and had some knowledge of "woodcraft," gathered in deerstalking, and in the pursuit of other game, among my native hills.
- Rattlesnakes are important in keeping the rodent population in check, and if you are capable of even basic woodcraft, you should be able to avoid them in the wild.
- This man from the West, cunning in woodcraft and plainscraft, with eyes and ears open, tense and suspicious, did not know that under the table, close to her foot, was the push button of an electric bell.
- Perhaps more than fifty years of devotion to "woodcraft" may enable me to give a few useful hints and suggestions to those whose dreams, during the close season of work, are of camp-life by flood, field and forest.
- Stragglers are thus often lost for days; what made us the more anxious about him was, that he had no provisions with him, was totally unversed in "woodcraft," and liable to fall into the hands of some lurking or straggling party of savages.
- Another of the partners, Mr. Donald M'Kenzie, was associated with Mr. Hunt in the expedition, and excelled on those points in which the other was deficient; for he had been ten years in the interior, in the service of the Northwest Company, and valued himself on his knowledge of "woodcraft," and the strategy of Indian trade and Indian warfare.