IPA: wˈʊdkrˈipɝ
- Any of many neotropical passerine birds of the subfamily Dendrocolaptinae.
IPA: wˈʊdkrˈipɝ
- any of numerous south american and central american birds with a curved bill and stiffened tail feathers that climb and feed like woodpeckers
Examples of "woodcreeper" in Sentences
- The woodcreeper darted up the tree trunk, clinging tightly to the rough bark with its sharp claws
- As the sun began to set, the woodcreeper's haunting call echoed through the dense forest
- With its mottled brown feathers and long, curved beak, the woodcreeper blended seamlessly into its wooded surroundings
- The woodcreeper deftly searched for insects and grubs hidden beneath the bark of the old oak tree
- The woodcreeper's rhythmic tapping on the tree trunk provided a soothing soundtrack to the tranquil forest morning
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