IPA: wˈuf
- (weaving)
- The set of yarns carried by the shuttle of a loom which are placed crosswise at right angles to and interlaced with the warp; the weft.
- (by extension) A woven fabric; also, the texture of a fabric.
- (by extension, loosely, chiefly poetic) The thread or yarn used to form the weft of woven fabric; the fill, the weft.
- (obsolete, rare) Synonym of weaving (“the process of making woven material on a loom”)
- (figurative)
- Something which is interwoven with another thing.
- An underlying foundation or structure of something; a fabric.
- The sound a dog makes when barking; a bark.
- (by extension) A sound resembling a dog's bark; specifically (sound engineering), a low-frequency sound of bad quality produced by a loudspeaker.
- (agriculture) Acronym of work on an organic farm.
- (marketing) Initialism of well-off older folks.
- Alternative form of WWOOF; a network organization that helps wwoofers connect up with organic farms that are offering work opportunities.
- (weaving) To place (yarns) crosswise at right angles to and interlaced with the warp in a loom.
- (figurative) To interweave (something) with another thing; to weave (several things) together.
- (transitive)
- (African-American Vernacular, figurative) To say (something) in an aggressive or boastful manner.
- (originally Britain, Royal Air Force slang, informal) To eat (food) voraciously; to devour, to gobble, to wolf.
- (intransitive)
- Of a dog: to bark.
- Of a person or thing: to make a sound resembling a dog's bark.
- (African-American Vernacular, figurative) To speak in an aggressive or boastful manner.
- (intransitive, agriculture) Alternative form of wwoof [To work on an organic farm in exchange for room, board, and education in organic farming.]
Examples of "woof" in Sentences
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