
IPA: wˈɝdi


  • Using an excessive number of words.

Examples of "wordy" in Sentences

  • "Ah, you are a talking man -- what I call a wordy man.
  • I really like "no rest for the wordy", is it yours or a commonly used?
  • For me personally, I'm not interested in wordy writing or hyper-critical articles and reviews.
  • Still, between the baby-language of the modern media and the blistering, elementary severity and clarity of Beckett, there does lie a place where being wordy is surely just about ok.
  • Sometimes, we think, there is too much description, the besetting sin of modern verse, which has substituted what should be called wordy-painting for the old art of painting in a single word.
  • Last month, Arizona for Responsible Lenders filed a lawsuit in Maricopa County Superior Court asking Secretary of State Jan Brewer to clarify what it called wordy language in multi-pronged proposition.
  • I have a tendency to write in what might be called a wordy style, so forcing myself to actually watch the word counts forced me to really think about the words that were important and those that were extraneous.

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