IPA: wˈɝkbɔrd
- a horizontal board that provides a supported surface for manual work
IPA: wˈɝkbɔrd
- A workbench or worktable.
Examples of "work-board" in Sentences
- The _Box-maker_, 1. smootheth _hewen Boards_, 2. with a _Plain_, 3. upon a _work-board_, 4.
- In all these manufactures the sole of the foot is used both by men and women as a work-board.
- "That would be droll enough!" cried the blacksmith, breaking out into such an uproar of laughter that Owen himself and the bell glasses on his work-board quivered in unison.
- ` ` That would be droll enough! '' cried the blacksmith, breaking out into such an uproar of laughter that Owen himself and the bell glasses on his work-board quivered in unison.
- A broken one being given by a gentleman to an Indian, he instantly snatched up an oyster-shell, and converted it with his teeth into a tool with which he presently fashioned the spear, and rendered it fit for use: in performing this operation, the sole of his foot served him as a work-board.
Examples of "workboard" in Sentences
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