
IPA: wˈɝkɫoʊd


  • The amount of work assigned to a particular worker, normally in a specified time period
  • The amount of work that a machine can handle or produce

Examples of "workload" in Sentences

    Examples of "work-load" in Sentences

    • But his work-load is real and we've all got our share
    • The rotation work-load extends beyond the business hours of the oncology facility in question.
    • For those with local clients, hosting a coffee meeting between companies can increase the work-load for you!
    • (Al Jazeera) He is pushing to privatize more of the work-load and outsource as many of the routine tasks as possible.
    • His idea was put aside by the speaker of the house citing his enormous work-load and technological complexities of the process.
    • I have been negotiating the work-load this autumn to get that much time for my own research, and kind of got that into place today.
    • As much as I whine about the work-load, and I do, this is the first work I've ever done that I wouldn't run from if I won the lottery.
    • The greatest irony of my professional life may be that if I were to cut back my work-load and diminish the knowledge and skill I help my students to gain, my standing with the bosses might actually improve.

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