
IPA: wˈɝmɫaɪk


  • Resembling or characteristic of a worm.
  • (chemistry, of the molecules of a polymer) Having a smoothly curved form when heated.

Examples of "wormlike" in Sentences

  • Now they had a place to crawl and appear wormlike.
  • Its a thread with a very damning message to Glen Beck and his wormlike followers.
  • Eleven, purple, wormlike things with long, filament-limbs – lots of them – slithered around in one of my cargo holds.
  • Ignoring the other person's attempts to engage you makes you come across as wormlike and gelatinous, leads to unproductive exchanges, and is never persuasive.
  • Your sister was fine, screaming at the wall, “We're not afraid of you,” regenerated, grown into two new heads, wormlike as you jumped, punctuating the word kitchen and wanting to know if you wanted some and laughing like crazy.
  • Crossing Cherry Park yesterday, I encountered a sick dog expelling from its body wormlike creatures—it was particularly offensive, but I found myself drawn to watching the worms move about on the ground after dog and owner left.

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