IPA: wˈɝrʌmʌnt
- The act of worrying; anxiety.
- A worrying situation or thing.
Examples of "worriment" in Sentences
- "But I am no Norseman," rumbled the giant in worriment.
- And Jees Uck looked on in worriment, for she knew his kindred talked with him across the world.
- Make that observation in a speech, and each member of your audience will frown and nod, joining in the general worriment.
- The short story is successful in that, certainly, feeding us a sense of loss and worriment, and it is well written, but I found myself a little confused at times.
- On "easy" writing: "I cannot write with ease or fluency, worse luck, and the fluenter the thing looks from the outside the more worriment and sweat it is for me to evolve".
- Nick left Roger Smith to his worriment and returned to his own office, certain now that Dave Trimble had either planted the bugs himself, while he was grieving all over this dump, or he used a mule.
- Because Mom had never known need or a day of worriment while he lived, and had he lived, she might never have known them; but hi some way she seemed convinced that he knew, trouble by trouble, scrape by scrape, humiliation by hardship, what she was going through, and inside, she seemed to feel as a woman might whose man was steadily beating the love out of her and all the tolerance.