IPA: zˈænðˈaʊz
- Yellow-brown; yolk-colored.
- (archaic, ethnology) Pertaining to people with yellowish, red, auburn, or brown hair.
Examples of "xanthous" in Sentences
- _xanthous_ complexion prevails -- the inhabitants of Australia and the
- The moonlight here was tinged with the xanthous color of flesh gone to mold.
- The xanthous complexion is rare, though not unknown in cities, but the leucous does not exist.
- What imaginable intelligence could compensate her for the flat blueness of her eyes, the xanthous pallor of her hair, the doll-like pink of her cheeks?
- To the different characters of human complexion, Dr Prichard gives three distinctive terms -- the _melanous_ or brunette; the _xanthous_ or blonde; and the _leucous_ or albino; the _melanous_ predominating in the southern countries, the _xanthous_ in the northern.
- Finland and a great part of Russia, the xanthous variety, strongly marked, is prevalent The Danes have always been known as a people of florid complexion, blue eyes, and yellow hair The Hollanders were termed by Silius Italicus, "Auricomi Batavi," the golden haired
- _Il Trovatore_; and from such fluffy, xanthous whiskers as Lohengrins wear; and from sentimental old maids who sink into senility lamenting that Brahms never wrote an opera; and from programme music, with or without notes; and from Swiss bell-ringers, Vincent D'Indy, the Paris
- The change from the _xanthous_ to the _melanous_ complexion, is a circumstance of constant occurrence; there are few children born, whose complexion does not darken as they grow up, in many cases undergoing a total change: the passage from dark to fair is rare, but it constantly occurs that _xanthous_, or even _leucous_ children, are born of
- Berbers of the plains are of brown complexion with black hair, we have seen that the Shuluh mountaineers are fair, and that the inhabitants of the high tracts of Mons Aurasius are completely xanthous, having red or yellow hair and blue eyes, which fancifully, and without the shadow of any proof, they have been conjectured to have derived from the Vandal troops of Genseric.
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