
IPA: zkvˈiˈɪi


  • being eight more than ninety

Examples of "xcviii" in Sentences

  • See Chemical News, vol.xcviii. p. 37 (July 24, 1908).
  • (For an English translation of this paper, see The Chemical News, vol.xcviii. pp. 157 and 158.) 24.
  • We may instance in some places: “All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God,” Ps. xcviii.
  • Prosp. (cf.Ep. xcviii): "Christ was sacrificed once in Himself, and yet He is sacrificed daily in the Sacrament."
  • The spelling of the word "gospel" varies throughout; thus, in Mark, fols. lxiiii-lxxii., xci., xciv., xcv., xcvii., and xcviii. it is
  • But faith, as Augustine says (Ep. xcviii), "depends on the will of the believer": and in like manner charity depends on the will of the lover.
  • “When a Barbary galley drew alongside a Christian vessel, as many as 100 Janissaries swarmed aboard the Christian vessel and overpowered the crew.”xcviii
  • Infant Baptism (Ep. xcviii): "The little child is made a believer, not as yet by that faith which depends on the will of the believer, but by the sacrament of faith itself," which causes the habit of faith.
  • Baluze's will has been published by M. Léopold Delisle (_Bibliothèque de l'École de Chartes_, 1872); his papers are now in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, and in the Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal (_Revue historique_, t.xcviii. p. 309).

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