IPA: jˈæ
- Pronunciation spelling of year. [A period of time akin to the time taken for the Earth to undergo a full cycle of seasons.]
Examples of "yeah" in Sentences
- Thanks, needed that, I'm cleaning house today..yeah yeah just taking a teeny little break now ahum
- Did you ask anyone else at the party for confirmation of this fact, as in yeah, that guy was a total jackass.
- Ho no no (TVXQ), yeah yeah (I'm sure that) You're my girlfriend, you know it too, (yeah, yeah, yeah) yeah~ Whoo!
- Middle Linebackers doen cry…..yeah yeah, yeah yeah what happened to “make me made enough and i’ll break your bones”
- So I called and I said I was him and she said yeah, you know, we're having Terry in - yeah we'd like to have Terry in to pitch ideas.
- But no, his mate has been mouthing off no doubt telling him how the experience added immeasurably to their relationship and how it has brought them closer together..yeah, yeah, right.
- As I stormed away from the misogyny mobile a two guys walked past me, looked me up and down, made teeth sucking noises and then one said "can I go home with you?" and then the other chimed in "yeah, me too?"