
IPA: jˈɝnɝ


  • someone who yearns

Examples of "yearner" in Sentences

  • He was not the yearner: he was the artist, sure of his vision.
  • But he is really a conservative, a yearner after the good old days.
  • Jimmy says the butcher is a good yearner too, but he does it by going red in the face and trying to burst his collar with his neck.
  • The Young Hungarian Nobleman, whose remittances have been stopped by the war, is reminiscent of the original yearner for the idyllic life.
  • O thou yearner after the Kingdom of God! The maid-servant of God, Aseyeh, hath mentioned thy name in her letter, praising and commending thee.
  • Jimmy says Faithful kept yearning to go back and help; he is a good yearner, Jimmy says, and he does it by pushing his head through the collar as far as he can stretch it, and then choking.
  • It was even more to her than is the art-school to the yearner who has always believed that she has a talent for painting; for the yearner has, even as a child, been able to draw and daub and revel in the results; while for Una this was the first time in her life when her labor seemed to count for something.
  • Leonard, in his 30s, can be charming enough to pass himself off as an integrated personality, and his dilemma would seem to be a familiar one -- how to choose between an alluring neurotic with a drug habit (Gwyneth Paltrow's Michelle, who lives in his building), and an attractive, earnest yearner (Vinessa Shaw's Sandra) who thinks she loves him.

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