
IPA: jˈɑdʒɪk


  • Of or pertaining to yoga.

Examples of "yogic" in Sentences

  • My favorite yogic technique is called yogic sleep or yoga “nidra.”
  • A lot of the changes that make a yogi seem "yogic" happen just by virtue of coming to the mat each day; some of the changes are more consciously made.
  • Yoga teaches this, and it's actually a very "yogic" thing to do - to let go of the thing that we are most obsessed with in favor of a little fun and sun and sand.
  • Along with the meditation, the palaces will be places where groups of people practice so-called yogic flying, which appears to the cynical eye more like bouncing than flying.
  • The Bible itself -- though not the chapters that Mohler probably chooses to read -- is rife with quotes on individual spiritual practice and tales of prophets flaunting what can basically be described as yogic powers.
  • At the same time, 15 million Americans, from all religions and no religion, are turning to the power and healing benefits of yoga; some are even going beyond the physical to study Vedanta and the Gita or other "yogic" texts.

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