IPA: jˈɔr
- (poetic) a time long past.
- (obsolete) In time long past; long ago.
Examples of "yore" in Sentences
- The weak man, as of yore, is the servant, the doer of things at the master's call.
- Downtown Morelia, moribund by night in days of yore, is seeing a revitalization by some new entrants.
- The Eugenia brand crema comes in a little bottle that looks almost like the cream bottles of yore from the USA.
- "Let me call yore attention to the trained coyotes, ladies an 'gents," remarked Johnny in a deep, solemn voice.
- "Well, I'm domd – axin yore pardin fur takkin th 'liberty; it's a habit: I've gotten – but I be an' no mistake."
- I never got the impression that he was trying to say that the Progressivism of yore is similar to EITHER liberalism or modern progressivism.
- I suppose you do not no my name yore lady remebers my name I lived in Middlebrook with her Brothers if you can consistantly send us a small pacage of tobacco we will be very thankful Direct to James Steel & John H. Plunkett comp E 5 Regment of Virginia infantry
- The sheer length, scale and nature of the plum jobs picked up by Brown’s colleagues demonstrates beyond a peradventure that the ‘revolving-door’ of which he spoke so piously in days of yore is now turning at a far faster rate and far more often than it ever did under the Tories.