IPA: jˈʌŋgɝ
- One who is younger than another.
- A surname.
Examples of "younger" in Sentences
- Now, in America, the term younger poet is applied with chivalric liberality.
- Of course not: the elder slaying the ambitions of the younger is perfectly permissible.
- They were all of the Hansons in younger, fresher years, or at least of people who looked like them.
- Our younger is Greta, whose name is hanging around down at 694, right about where it was when she was born.
- Molina the younger is a great receiver with a dynamite arm, and he enters his first full season at Peoria. ...
- Eichenbaum wants no part of it, and is dismayed by what he calls the younger generation's lack of respect for Reform Judaism's ideological heritage.
- Getting his kicks: Special teams coordinator Dave Toub said Adam Podlesh was his No. 1 target all offseason and he's excited to get what he called a younger version of Brad Maynard.
- In the early days of using email (circa 1993, in younger days in my own life), I responded to a spam advertising email with a string of profanities and suggestions of suicide for the spammer.
- His international career – if it starts at all – will not last very long but those of us the wrong side of 40 whose hearts feel sick when someone 10 years younger is described as a "veteran" will hope Davies's tenacity serves England as well as it has served himself.