IPA: jˈaʊɫ
- A prolonged, loud cry, like the sound of an animal; a wail; a howl.
- (intransitive) Utter a yowl.
- (transitive) Express by yowling; utter with a yowl.
Examples of "yowl" in Sentences
- "yowl," that filled the whole valley, and reverberating from the cliffs, appeared continuous.
- Well, my friend and good comrade, the Kilkenny cats fought till neither hide, nor hair, nor yowl, was left.
- Frontman Frank Black's signature high-pitched yowl sounds just like it did in the 80s -- maybe even clearer.
- You want to yowl at her that you've got three friggin' kids, two horses and a crappy job selling clothes to women who couldn't operate a sewing machine.
- Then, suddenly, he heard a sharp and ugly yowl from the bath-house park; and when he stood up he saw, in the pale moonlight, a fox standing on the pavement under the balcony.
- Howlin' Wolf yowl, which is richer and more elastic than ever on "Bad as Me," still has a mound of dark brown hair, same style, though thinner, that he's worn since his first album in 1973.
- Along with Caleb's sentimental yowl, the Kings of Leon consistently define a chorus with ricocheting guitar riffs and reliable eighth-note bass lines -- all gleaned from the gospel according to U2.