IPA: zˈeɪmʌn
- Albizia saman, a large tropical tree in the pea family.
Examples of "zaman" in Sentences
- “Fi zaman-hi,” alluding to a peculiarity highly prized by
- Labels: borders, dina zaman, malaysian authors posted by bibliobibuli at 8: 04 AM
- Ramuan ini sudah dipakai selama lebih dari 2.000 tahun sejak zaman Yunani dan Romawi kuno.
- Single rooms start at €110, and deluxe suites are €375 (963-11-543-5380, www.
- Bir felkete uradnz ve ulularnzn maktul dtn grdnz zaman onu yalnz bana brakacaksanz imdiden braknz.
- Dengan memahami bentuk teater ini akan membantu para sejarawan sastra karya Shakespeare lebih memahami tentang kondisi zaman itu.
- Some say that Rudat developed from zikir zaman, which is the choral singing of Arabic texts in praise of the Prophet Muhammad accompanied by silat movements, and burdah, the singing of Arabic texts accompanied by the rebana.