IPA: zˈibˈibaɪt
- (computing) Strictly, 2⁷⁰ (1024⁷, 1,180,591,620,717,411,303,424) bytes or 2¹⁰ (1024) exbibytes, as opposed to a zettabyte.
Examples of "zebibyte" in Sentences
- My computer's hard drive has a storage capacity of 1 zebibyte, allowing me to store a massive amount of data
- Cloud storage services often offer multiple zebibytes of storage space for users to store their files securely
- The new video game I downloaded is so large that it takes up over half a zebibyte of storage on my computer
- With the increasing use of high-definition video and audio files, the need for zebibyte-sized storage solutions has never been greater
- As technology continues to advance, it is likely that zebibyte-sized data storage will become the new standard in the near future