
IPA: zˈɛfɝ


  • A light wind from the west.
  • Any light refreshing wind; a gentle breeze.
  • Anything of fine, soft, or light quality, especially fabric.
  • (Greek mythology) The god of the West Wind.
  • (poetic) The west wind personified.


  • (intransitive, poetic) To blow or move like a zephyr, or light breeze.
  • (transitive, poetic) To blow or blow on gently like a zephyr; to cool or refresh with a gentle breeze.

Examples of "zephyr" in Sentences

  • The software called zephyr (ph) will be available this summer.
  • Today he wanted me to spell "zephyr" and see how many points that would be on a triple-word.
  • With these nine figures, and with the sign 0 which the Arabs call zephyr, any number whatsoever is written, as will be demonstrated.
  • Surges of energy, kaleidoscopic sunlight through the leaves, the soft breeze that makes me want to say the word "zephyr" -- this mindless simplicity can be called happiness.
  • He's protecting -- or stealing -- a really, really, really neat battery (yes: a battery) called the zephyr, which was designed by a supergenius young man named Simon (Paul Dano).
  • Another thing they've talked about putting into place is a software program they're calling zephyr which will allow parents to see if their child has a MySpace profile and see what age their child is claiming to be.
  • This is what happened after the convention of the blackbirds: A moaning south wind brought rain; a southwest wind turned the rain to snow; what is called a zephyr, out of the west, drifted the snow; a north wind sent the mercury far below freezing.

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