IPA: zˈɛstfʌɫi
- With zest or enthusiasm.
Examples of "zestfully" in Sentences
- Bill Holden came out of the lock, his expression zestfully surprised.
- Trust me, you don't have to be zestfully clean to venture out in the world .
- When it comes to life experience, the movie's star is no slouch either, and he couches it in zestfully comic terms.
- "And when Stephen gets to acting up, just shake the window curtain real hard and I'll drop everything to come over and settle him," said Mrs. Anderson zestfully.
- Preaching mutant pride with endearing fervor, "X-Men: First Class" proves to be a mutant in its own right—a zestfully radical departure from the latter spawn of a sputtering franchise.
- Many of these establishments are zestfully described in "How Italian Food Conquered the World," an entertaining and fact-filled chronicle by Esquire magazine food-and-wine correspondent John F. Mariani.
- Sticklin also plunges zestfully into the play's other characters, including a blustering band leader, a bragging army veteran and a social worker whose fondness for trendy theories "It's what's termed as a Jesus-Judas complex" blinds her to Speedy's real nature.
- Meanwhile, more zestfully to greet December, here are a few gladdening also‑rans to note for your Christmas wishlist:The trickle of books to mark next summer in east London will soon become a flood but so far easily the most vivid and exuberant is Martin Polley's The British Olympics 1612‑2012 £17.99, latest impeccable and glistening little gem from Simon Inglis's occasional and lustrous English Heritage series.
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