IPA: zˈɪŋɝ
- (informal) A very rapidly moving object, especially one that is thrown.
- (informal) A surprising or unusually pointed, humorous and impressive insult or insulting quip.
- (informal) An event that when experienced leaves the witness dazed, either physically or metaphorically.
- (informal) An outstanding, energetic and surprising thing or person.
- Something to eat or drink that is tart and stimulating.
- A surname.
- A name used for several KFC products (e.g Zinger Box).
Examples of "zinger" in Sentences
- Going into the film knowing that, the zinger is less of a surprise when it happens.
- Relatively newbie Miggs makes it look easy with this zinger from the Deception trailer thread: Oooooo!
- (Our = my co-host Dan Snierson and our producer/editor extraordinaire, the czar of the subtitle zinger, Jason Averett.)
- All I ask [here's the zinger] is that you send to my non-denominational non-profit organization, a love-faith offering to help cover the expense of mailing my cd to you.
- A zinger is the hair-raising, nerve jangling, eye crossing, insane jolt of electric zappage that can happen to the tender nerve of a tooth when using any kind of tooth whitening process.
- There are no quotable Dynamite moments - the nearest we get to a zinger is the rugby union result "Nottingham 25, Broughton Park 4, Nuneaton 26" - but the struggles of Towers and his co-presenter are strangely mesmeric.
- On the campaign trail, he had coined a zinger against rival Mitt Romney, saying President Barack Obama's health-care law was largely based on the policy Mr. Romney promoted as Massachusetts governor, and calling Mr. Romney's law "ObamneyCare."
- Unless you believe that this three-word zinger popped into the mind of every Toronto leftie through some kind of progressive mind meld, then what we are seeing is an orchestrated campaign to stick a label on Mr. Ford and his cost-cutting exercise.