
IPA: zˈɪzˈeɪniʌ


  • Any of several aquatic North American grasses, of the genus Zizania, grown for their edible grain; wild rice.

Examples of "zizania" in Sentences

  • There can be little doubt that the zizania of the parable,
  • Whatever be meant by zizania word, found only here in the Greek
  • Claviceps zizaniae is a plant pathogen that causes ergot in wild rice.
  • Ecclesia novitatibus mature obviam eant, easque tanquam zizania ex agro
  • "Lollardi sunt zizania," &c. _Ibid. _, p. 232; of friars become peddlers, p. 264.
  • Aphete ta zizania sunauxein tô sitô, toutestin en tê ekklêsia tous hamartanontas.
  • Proinde Ecclesia Dei recte comparatur sagenae, quae omnis generis pisces attrahit, et agro, in quo inveniuntur et zizania et triticum.
  • Sed sicut dicitur de zizaniis: Ne forte eradicantes zizania simul eradicetis et triticum, ita etiam super iis dici potest, in quibus vel dubia vel occulta peccata sunt ....
  • Sed utrum inter zizania numerandi sint dubitari potest, magis autem videntur spicis corruptis esse similiores, vel paleis aristarum fractis, vel scissis et de segete abruptis: [2710] 1
  • The darnel before it comes into ear is very similar in appearance to wheat; hence the command that the zizania should be left to the harvest, lest while men plucked up the tares "they should root up also the wheat with them."
  • Et tamen, dum hi simulant pietatem, licet ex Ecclesia non sint, numerantur tamen in Ecclesia: sicuti proditores in republica, priusquam detegantur, numerantur et ipsi inter cives, et quemadmodum lolium vel zizania et palea inveniuntur in tritico, ant sicut strumae et tumores inveniuntur in integro corpore, cum revera morbi et deformitates sint verius corporis, quam membra vera.

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