
IPA: zˈoʊnʌɫ


  • Divided into zones.
  • Related to, associated with, or similar to zones.
  • (of air or ocean currents) roughly longitudinal (east to west, or west to east)

Examples of "zonal" in Sentences

  • Rejects the idea of zonal mutual recognition of products.
  • What are known as zonal geraniums are the species Pelargonium zonale, which originates in the mild Cape region of South Africa.
  • During the past week, the pattern has become "zonal", which is characterized by a relatively straight flow of air from west to east across the nation.
  • This kind of zonal flow in the outer core has not been seen in geodynamo models before, due largely to lack of sufficient resolution in earlier models.
  • These storms are a function of the temperature difference across the boundary between the cool polar air and warm subtropical air often referred to as the zonal index.
  • Kageyama told physicsworld. com that this kind of zonal flow has never been included in geodynamo models to date and that it could provide a "hint" about the mechanism of polar reversal.
  • Typical communities for a particular latitude are called "zonal", but local variation at the landscape level occurs and these "intrazonal communities" are frequently associated with variations in soil moisture and snow accumulation [4].
  • He saw the low, sweet-scented geraniums of lemon, rose and nutmeg odors, persisting through the winter unblighted, and the round-leaved, "zonal" sorts surprisingly large of growth -- in one case, on a division fence, trained to the width and height of six feet.

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